Thank you!
The Lily Tomlin/Jane Wagner Cultural Arts Center is grateful for these community members who made gifts in 2023 to support the diverse and impactful artistic work at the Renberg Theatre and Davidson/Valentini Theatre, along with the Advocate & Gochis Galleries.
For any corrections or edits, please contact Jonathan Muñoz-Proulx, Artistic Director.
If you have not yet made your 2023 gift and would like to be included, please visit our secure online donation page.
David Alfano
Glen Arakawa
Keith Ashburn
Chief Utku Aslan
Violet Augustine
Brian Aveni
Richard Baca
Jourel Baello
Lieven Baert
Ms. Teri Ball
Hermina Ban
Gene Michael Barrera
Nolina Beauchamp
Patrick Beller
Tobin Belzer
Amanda Bird
Nathan Birnbaum
John Bordeaux
Vincent Brown
Robert Bursick
Mr. Jonathan Calderwood
Stacia Campbell
Cate Caplin
Caplin Foundation
Ms. June Carryl
Kevin Carter
John Carver
Maurice Cassamajor
Mr. John Castellano
Antonio Castillo
Mr. Gil Cates
Lesly Ceballos
Dano Cerny
Parvesh Cheena
Mr. Raymond Chick
Monica Chinlund
Julia Cho
Hannah Chua
Mrs. Shana Clark
Ms. Jackie Clarke
Michael Cohen
Ms. & Ms. Brandi Coleman
Melissa Coleman-Reed
Mykel Crerie
Shilpa Das
Ms. Danni Dean
Laura Deeley
Kenneth Delalcazar
Ashley Dickerson
Stephanie Dietz
Ms. Alexandra du Manoir
Sarah Eggers
Anne Ellwanger
Ms. Jessica Elsberry
Ms. Katherine Esperanza
Ms. Kathleen Fishburne
Mr. Jack Foster
Mr. Moses Freyre
Barbara Friend
Catherine Shim Garant
Ms. Christina Garies
Jonathan Gibson
Harry Gittelson
Eden Glaser
Chrissie Gomez
Mr. Harlan Gulko
Jeremy Hahn
Rodger Hargear
Margaret Harrington
Terry Hatkoff
Ryan Hemar
Kirk Henry
Mr. Brandon Herman
Lewis Hofstein
Dylan Holmes
Leslie Hope
Mrs. Erin Jantz
Rear Adm. Peter Johnson
Jacob Johnson
Dr. Miranda Johnson-Haddad
Amelia Jones
Mr. Scott Juhl
David Jung
Mr. William Kaiser
Mz. John Karliak
Lady Paige Kauffman
Adam Keller
Ryan Kim
Elizabeth Klatchko
Leah Kleynhans
Mr. Tony Koeijmans
Ms. Kathleen Kubo
Ms. Lyn Kupferman
Mark Landres
Benjamin Larson
Christopher Lawrence
Jason Lazarcheck
Paul Lerner
Jay Lesiger
Mr. Steven Llanusa and Dr. Glenn Miya
Los Angeles County Arts Commission
Nathalie Love
Carrie Madsen
Ronna Magy
Mariana Marroquin
Mr. Kevin Martin
Dr. Alma Martinez
Ms. Janice Masters
Dr. Taly Matejka
Shauna Mccann
Mack McCoy
Mr. Alex McFry
Jacquelyn Mendoza
Mr. Tim Miller
Aleyna Minamoto
Fawzia Mirza
Anastasiya Mitrunen
Ms. Laura Mitten
Daniel Monick
Jaime Mora
Ms. Louise Moriarty
Mr. John Moschitta
Mr. Terrence Moss
John Mullican
Ms. Rosalyn Mylez
Loretta Nardini
Mr. Paul Nguyen
Mr. David Nichols Jr
Benjamin Noble
Tariro Nussinov
Kelsey O’Keeffe
Carolyn Oill
Jenna Orrico
Avery Ott
Monica Padrick
Chloe Phelps
Ms. Mabel Picardal
Sarah Poor
Heidi Powers
Nicholas Prosini
Mr. Mike Radiloff
Kevin Ray
Dr. Mary Read
Mr. Dan Robert
Ms. Gina Robertelli
Doug Roberts
Alexander Rodriguez
Mr. David Roman
Ms. & Ms. Katherine Rupley
Morgan Sage
Amy Sandler
Barry Sandler
Robert Santiago
Monica Sassounian
Jamison Scala
Mr. Leran Schwartz
Robert Schwartz
Dave Senft
J. Sexton
Jesse Shafroth
Jess Shoer
Del Shores
Mr. Keath Silva
Lori Singleton
Deb Smith
Katie Smith
Laura Spencer
Carol Springer
Paul Steel
Daniel Strudwick
Michael Sturgis
Jeff Tan
Kayla Tange
Jennifer Tsao
Miss Wynn Tutt
Dyan Ullman
James Van Beek
Belinda Vidaurri
Mr. Gustavo Vintas
Mx. Neil Wade
Amber Wakefield
Matt Walker
Sarah Watson
Carol Weiss
Lance Werth
Ms. Martha Wheelock
Karla Winkler
Joshua Wirtschafter
Jeff Wise
Mr. Matt Zarley
Matt Zaslow